What time is the school office open?
The school office is open between:08:45 - 12.15 and 1.15 - 3:30 Monday to Friday.
What do I need to do if my child needs time off school?
You will need to fill in an Leave of Absence Form which is available from the school office.
What do I need to do if my child is ill?
Please inform the school by telephone in the morning if your child is ill.
How much are school dinners and can I claim for free school meals?
School meals are free. A packed lunch may be brought in place of a school meal. (No fizzy drinks or glass bottles please)
Can my child bring a snack to school?
We encourage children to eat healthily and free fruit is provided for all children as part of the ‘Fruit for Schools’ scheme. If you wish your child to opt out of this, please inform their class teacher in writing.
Can my child bring a drink to school?
Your child need not bring a drink to school as all children are provided with a named drinking bottle and are encouraged to drink water regularly throughout the day.
When does my child have P.E. and what kit will they need?
Each Year group has P.E. lessons once or twice a week.
Year R – Tuesday
Year 1 – Monday and Thursday
Year 2 – Wednesday, and Friday
Red Class - Friday
Your child needs to have named P.E. kit in school and this consists of a tee-shirt, a pair of shorts and plimsolls.