Southsea Infant School

Southsea Infant School

Sailing Into Success

Collingwood Rd, Southsea, Portsmouth, Southsea PO5 2SR

023 9282 8176

Diary Dates

Diary Dates

 Term dates for all Portsmouth LA maintained schools can be found here



Friday 19th July- Year 1 Pirate Day. 

Tuesday 23rd July 2:30pm Year 2 Leavers' Celebration. 

Wednesday 24th July 3:10pm End of term. 




Monday 2nd September 2024

Friday 25th October 2024

Monday 24th February 2025

Friday 2nd May 2025

Monday 30th June 2025


September 2024

2nd September INSET day, school is closed to children.

3rd September back to school for Years 1 and 2.

3rd and 4th September Open classrooms for Years 1 and 2.

3rd-6th September Home visits for Year R families.

6th September 13:00-14:45 Stay and Play for Year R.

23rd September Harvest collection begins.

26th September Flu vaccinations - All year groups

24th September 17:00-18:00 'Fish Chips and Phonics' for year 1 parents - details to follow.

October 2024

1st October Open Morning for September 2025 admissions.

1st October 17:00-18:00 Reading Workshop for Year 2 parents

3rd October National Poetry Day

9th October- School Nurse appointments only 1.00-3.00

10th October 13:00-15:00 'I really want to read...' author event for all year groups- details to follow.

15th October Open Morning for September 2025 admissions.

22nd and 24th October Parents' evenings for all year groups.

25th October INSET - School is closed to children.

November 2024

4th November- Open Afternoon for September 2025 Admissions.

12th November- Fish, Chips and Phonics for Year R parents.

27th November- School nurse- 1.00-3.00 appointments only

-Open Evening for September 2025 Admissions

December 2024

11th December- (afternoon) Whole school Nativity at St Simons - More details to follow.

16th December- Year R pedal power training- More details to follow.

17th December- Year 1 & 2 Pedal power training- More details to follow.

18th December- Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas lunch and Christmas Party.

20th December- Last day of term.




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